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Key Things That You Ought to Know About the Book of Daniel 12 in the Bible

Described as a complex book with a lot of ideologies, the book of Daniel has become a center of interest to many Christians. Most of its content elaborating about the second coming of Jesus Christ, something Christians believe is just about the corner. With the major chapter being chapter 12 that all starts with Michael, who in this case is Jesus Christ, standing up and it is said that thereafter cones the tines of trouble like has never been before. This is a book that apart from just using the complex aspects of prophecy, is well detailed for any Christian who has the urge to study. In this article, you will get to learn more about some of the key aspects described in the book of Daniel and the bible at large.

To begin with, let’s look at the link between Christians and the Bible. Every other day, you will always hear most Christians trying to avoid the book of Daniel chapter 12. This is not a new scenario but in a real sense, should it really be the case? I guess not. It is all about the appointed times and the confusion that existed at the time of Daniel. This could mean that with some dedication of time to deeply study this book, you will be well-equipped with some facts about how it all was.

The story of Jesus is also clearly brought up in the book of Daniel. The fulfillment of the spring feast or the appointment times through His death on the cross at Calvary. At the moment when the trumpet shall sound is when all these shall be fulfilled. This shall be manifested by the fall feasts or appointed times. Christians call it the day of atonement and yes, it shall come to pass that the Son of Man shall be seen in the clouds, and finally there will be the trumpet sound. This is the hope that we, Christians have. The undying hope that someday things shall happen and we shall see our Savior and go to our eternal home.

The series of events in the book of Daniel is worth it as well. There is so much that you ought to know about Israel’s calendars and how there was a flow of activities at that moment. Remember it is a prophetic chain of events and this should draw your interest to know about some of these events. Possibly, you can opt to view some digital copies of the sermon documents or go directly to the right channels on YouTube and get all the series available for you.

The final aspect of the book of Daniel 12 is how the book is connected to our times. This is very interesting to Christians. It clearly brings out how Christians are connected with the Second Advent of Christ. With its comprehensive elaboration on the final arrival and return of Christ, this could be the best book for your studies and spiritual nourishment.

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