The Art of Mastering

The Factors to Consider When Training a Dog and Awarding a Title
A good dog is considered to be well trained and properly groomed through a proper dog training program.
It is also important for dogs to be well disciplined to ensure that no one gets hurt.
For instance a German shepherd that is not on leash can hurt a passer by especially when the dog is not disciplined.
The thorough training of a dog will instill a high sense of discipline.
More patience and diligence is required in professionally training your dog.
Here are some few tips that will guide you in conducting and scheduling your dogs training program for better results.
The first consideration is to identify whether your dog is a pure breed or mixed breed for accreditation.
Before conducting the training schedules, always put into account breed of the particular dogs been trained.
This is due to the reason that different breeds of dogs have different strengths and survival skills.
The first set of dog training skills to be administered to your dog training should entail the level one novice tricks.
This is important when seeking to have your dog registered and receiving a title from the American kennel club.
This dog training set of skills include the following; working on a balance beam, barking on cue, crawling on belly, high five, shake hands, spin in circles, jumping through a loop all over a bar and so forth.
The next guideline for the dog training would be the canine good citizen designation.
A strong bond and a sense of dependency between the dog and its human can be instilled by the canine good citizen designation and skill set.
Good dog manners, behaviour and obedience can be instilled by the canine good citizen designation.
Here are some of them canine good citizen designation skills set: accepting friendly strangers, coming when called, sitting politely for petting and so forth.
The next set of skills to be mastered by of a dog training should be Intermediate level skills.
Commands such as balancing the ball, catch, go find and find it are found in this intermediate skill set level.
The next factor for consideration is there advanced trick dog the advanced trick dog training follows afterwards.
The skills to be mastered by the dog worst feature abilities such as walking on hind legs, covering your eyes and playing dead.
The trick dog performer level must be mastered by your dog.
The dog is supposed to do a particular assignment which combines a number of the skill sets highlighted above.
The guidelines above always help you to secure a good title for your dog.

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