Pros and Cons of Organ Donation.
Research has shown that close to 53% of Americans have agreed to be organ donors. However, this is not enough as discussed in this checklist. The number of people who need organ transplant are more than those willing to donate.
Most people wonder if they can be an organ donor. There are a lot of misunderstandings and rumors which make people opt not to be an organ donor.
To ensure you have the right information about organ donation, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
If you are thinking of becoming a donor, there are plenty of benefits on why you should consider it. Did you know you change someone’s life by donating your organ? The transplant list reduces when you donate your organ. Did you know organ donation can lift your self esteem?
You don’t have to be dead so that you can donate your kidney. People who donate their kidneys when alive are called living donors.
In case you decide to donate your organs when you die, your family will be happy knowing you helped another family even when you are still not alive. A new relationship can be created between you and the recipient’s family.
The medical professionals need organs for research, you can help them by donating yours when you die. Professionals in the medical field come up with treatments from doing research on the organs donated to them.
Organ donation also has some cons. It is not advisable to donate your organs if you have conditions such as HIV and cancer. Organ donation is not allowed for people whose organs are damaged. The recipient can experience issues such as organ rejection.
In case you are put into life support after the organ donation, your family will be worried. We have compiled this checklist that can help your family, in case you die. this checklist is important, especially if your family is finding the grieving process very emotional.
Putting these factors into consideration is important, before you become an organ donor. You should be ready to take time off from your job, if you are considering organ donation. Also, you have to consider if your employee will give you time off from work. After the organ donation, you will be required to make several changes in your lifestyle. Did you know you can develop health issues after organ donation?
Your decision on whether you should become an organ donor can be much easier with the points discussed in this checklist. For those who qualify and are okay with the cons, you should be encouraged to do organ donation.
There are several instances you can apply for organ donation, look this checklist such as when renewing your driving license or getting in touch with the state registry and may more.